Marshmallow Fondant


Jessica decorated this cake at Bridgerland Culinary Art School. She just graduated congratulations Jessica!!!

You can find the recipe for Marshmallow Fondant here

This Buttercream frosting is put on before the marshmallow fondant (Marshmallow Fondants are one on the best tasting Fondants). Some people don’t like fondant and this is a great tasting frosting to make the cake good to eat as well as a pretty cake.

Simple Buttercream Frosting

Cream together:

*8 ounces Butter
*4 ounces Shortening
*1 pound 4 ounces Confectioners’ Sugar


*1.25 ounces of Egg Whites, measure in a liquid measuring cup
* 1/2 teaspoon Lemon Juice
*3/4 teaspoon Vanilla
**1 ounce Water, optional

Blend in mixer on medium speed with a paddle attachment and then mix on high until light and fluffy.

**The water is added for a softer Buttercream Frosting.

Recipe adapted from Wayne Gisslen, Professional Baking




Jessica and pictures by Lindy

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