Onion Planting 2013


A nice sunny warm Spring day, a good day for planting my Copra onions. This onion is a good keeper when stored in a cool place during the winter months. They will keep 10-12 months and grows to be 3-4 inches wide. Good bold flavor.

I also planted Red Zeppelin. This is a purple onion that will keep after harvest about 8 months. Has a good flavor. I like to use them in salads. It grows to about 4 inches wide.

I got my onion sets from Andersons Seed and Garden. You can get them in the early spring.


I amend my soil in the fall, so in the spring my raised beds are ready to plant in the spring.





The onion in this picture is the last onion I had in storage planted last spring 2012. We used this onion for our Easter Dinner on March 31, 2013.


Happy planting.


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