Oreo Football Helmets

Oreo Football Helmets


Oreo Helmet Truffles

*4-8 ounces Cream Cheese, use just enough to keep together in a ball

*Family Size bag of Oreo Cookies or around 36 Oreo Cookies, centers removed and discard

*dash of salt

*1-2 cups of dark or milk Ghirardelli chocolate chips (Add 1 tablespoon shortening to 1 cup of chocolate chips, melt in the microwave in glass cup with shortening in 30 second increments until melted.) OR *Dark Chocolate Melting Wafer, like Ghirardelli

*Gold, Silver or White edible Sugar Pearl Candy Balls

*White and Dark Chocolate Melting Wafers, like Ghirardelli, for piping numbers on footballs

Blend in food processor Oreos until small crumbs.

In a stand mixer cream together the cream cheese and Oreo crumbs until all the cream cheese is well combined into the crumbs and cream cheese is no longer visible.

Roll Oreo mixture into teaspoon sized balls and then using a pencil length wise press into each Oreo ball making the indent for the helmet shape. Repeat for each helmet. Then place them onto wax paper and refrigerate for 2 hours then remove a few at a time from the fridge to dip into melted chocolate, dipping each ball individually into the melted chocolate and let dry/set on a piece of wax paper or Silpat. ( Add pearl balls, two balls per helmet, one on each side of the helmet. While chocolate is still wet.) Now refrigerate until chocolate is set and then pipe on football numbers if desired. Eat helmet truffles within a couple of days. 

Also see Southern Living Football Helmets



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