Planting Roses



Rose & Flower Care (this contains a systemic)-I use a cap full on each rose planted, place in the bottom of the hole when planting. (Make sure to follow the directions on containers of product before you use them.)


I used a tablespoon of Root Stimulator to every gallon of water. I pour the gallon mixture onto the ground were the roots of the rose is planted. ( I used about a gallon of this mixture on the rose.) This is used only to feed the roots of the plant. (It just helps the plant get a good root start.) Again I mention follow the directions of the products you use.)


I amended the soil with a nice potting soil: 1/3 potting soil to 2/3 original ground soil.


I used a product called Myke (The Mycorrhizae I used was for trees and shrubs but you could use the one for plants.) I rub the product onto the roots of the rose plant. I put a tablespoon of the slow release fertilizer in the bottom of planting hole, it will last up to 3 months feeding the rose.



Make sure soil level of the ground is equal to the potted soil top.


For more on planting and taking care of roses see andersonsseedandgarden

I use a water soluble fertilizer every two weeks on my roses throughout the summer and a Rose Food granules with systemic once a month from April – August. Use as directed on products.

Happy Planting!


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