Sweet Potato & BBQ Pork Crock Pot Style


You will need two crock pots; one for sweet potatoes and another for the BBQ Pork or you could cook the BBQ Pork the day before and refrigerate couple of days or freeze until ready to use.

Sweet Potato & BBQ Pork

*6 Sweet Potatoes, washed and individually wrapped in foil

Place the foil wrapped Sweet potatoes In crock pot and set on low for 6 hours.

BBQ Pork

*Pork Shoulder Roast, fresh or frozen and thawed in refrigerator
*2  (12 ounce) cans of Coke
*2-3 tablespoons dried Onions
*2-3 teaspoons dried Garlic
*1 tablespoon Deverle’s Seasoning or favorite seasoned salt
*1 teaspoon Red Pepper Flakes or to taste
*1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper

**2 cups Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ Sauce, or to taste, add after pork is cooked and shredded

Place the above ingredients in the order listed (except BBQ sauce) in a crock pot on low for 6-8 Hours or overnight and shreds easily. Shred the pork and add BBQ Sauce.

Unwrap cooked Sweet Potatoes, slice almost half way through, add cooked/warmed BBQ Pork and top with Monterey Jack Cheese or cheese of your choice, serve and enjoy!






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