Easter Paper Covered Eggs



Easter Paper Covered Eggs

*Four different pieces of paper of your choice, a 12×12 paper makes 4 eggs
*Scissors and glue (I used Mod Podge)
*Plastic Eggs or Brown Paper Mâché Eggs
*Embellishments (optional)

*This is a messy craft!


Cut paper in 4 x6 pieces or measure your own. Cut strips on the 6 inch side about a fourth inch apart.

Cuts are about one and three-fourths deep. Cover egg and paper with glue.



This is another option. Cut two circles and clip around the edge of the circles and glue to top and bottom of the egg.

Then cut strips and glue around the width of egg. Strips will be different in lengths.

You can see these here settingforfour and here myfabulesslife and here houseontheway
There are many more on different blogs.


Enjoy! Lindy

Easter Peeps Welcome


I call my girls “my peeps” so when my daughter Jacque saw this she had to get me these wood pieces to paint.


Sand the edges and stain them with acrylic paint. I used umber brown for the base, the dip dot eyes and edges.

These are the colors of paint I used for the peeps; Chiffon in yellow, blue and pink.

I Cut 4 rag pieces and got them wet with water and squeeze as much of the water as you can get out of them. Then put a dab of paint on each rag in the appropriate color and rub on the peep.

You can find the wood pieces at Woodconnection You also can get the wood kit at Sugar and Spice.


These are easy and fun to make. I hope you like the project!