Starfish Decor Pillows


These are starfish pillows that I’m making for my nautical decor for the month of June. They are pretty simple to make and if you would like to make them start saving plastic grocery bags to stuff them with. I’ve found that plastic bags work well for craft and decorative items.


Using brown paper grocery bags, trace and cut out starfish patterns.


Plissé type fabrics.


Pin and cut out 2 of each starfish size pattern out of the fabric of your choice. Make sure the fabric is with right-sides together. Now, sew them together, leaving an opening to turn right-side out.

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Clip around the edges that curve on each sewn starfish as shown. This will help the seams lay smooth after turning them to the right side.

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After sewing starfish together, turn the starfish right side out with a turning tool. I use a chop stick. Then smooth out each leg using the chop stick/turning tool.

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Finger press the seams because this type of fabric would flatten the puffed pattern.

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Stuff with some sort of stuffing material. I used plastic grocery bags or you could use polyester fiber fill.


Sew closed by hand the opening you left to turn fabric.

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I hope you will make some of these they were fun to make. Maybe someday, I will figure out how to do a PDF file so you could use the pattern for your personal use. But I think this is a simple pattern to follow anyway.

Happy sewing and decorating.


Growing Herbs Update 2013

DIY Herbs, Peppers and Tomatoes, great in any home or garden.


These Herbs I planted in these pots to be kept outside in my garden/patio Pots. (These are herbs that I purchased.)

Update on my Herbs, Peppers and Tomatoes.





I will plant this around Memorial Day outside. I will harden them off 4-7 days prior to planting them outside.  You will need to harden off small new plants which means to slowly getting  plants use to being outside. Leave them outside in shade first day and bring them in at night. Gradually expose them to morning sun only 1-2 hours at first then increase an hour a day for the 4 to 7 days. Keep them always in morning sun only. Then you should be able to plant in your garden. Planting on a cloudy day is best. You can also use a shade cloth cover over your plants.







I am Updating after herbs have been planted for about a month. There are small seedlings growing at the base of these larger previously-bought Herbs.

I planted seeds around these taller herbs and I’m going to have to move the larger plants to another pot. This will give more light and space for the seedlings. (I planted them this way to see if the seeds would grow well, just being in a sunny window.



See herbplanting


