Eyeball Slush

Eyeball Slush

*Sherbet (Lime or Orange or Rainbow Flavors)

*1 can Lychees

*Fresh or Frozen Blueberries

* 4 ounce Dessert Glasses, chilled

*Lime Soda

To make the eyeballs, drain the liquid from Lychees and place blueberry in the centers.


Scoop the Sherbet into chilled shot glasses and fill 2/3 full.  Then add the Lychee eyeball to the top of Sherbet and freeze until ready to serve.

Just before serving pour lime soda into each glass filling 3/4 full.



Worm Concoction

Worm Concoction
*Sherbet (Lime or Orange or Rainbow Flavors)
*Gummy Worms
*Small 6 ounce Glasses, chilled
*Lime Soda

Scoop the Sherbet into chilled shot glasses and fill 2/3 full. Then add the gummy worm to the top of Sherbet and freeze until ready to serve.

Just before serving pour lime soda into each glass filling 3/4 full.
