Bunny Rolls

Bunny Rolls

*1 package (36 Count) Rhodes Rolls, I used 12 rolls to make 6 Bunnies

*Raisins for Eyes

Place 12 frozen rolls to thaw on Silpat covered half baking sheet, spray frozen rolls with cooking spray and cover with plastic wrap and allow them to rise for 2 hours. Then cut with scissors, 6 of the rolls in half and place them on top of a whole dough roll, space them apart making bunny ears and repeat for each bunny roll. Cover bunny rolls and continue to let bunny rolls rise until double in size. Then add raisins for eyes and bake.

Bake rolls in in oven 350*F. for 18-20 minutes or until golden brown.



Peter Rabbit Charcuterie Board

Peter Rabbit Charcuterie Board

Items used:

*Yellow and Green Marshmallow Bunny Peeps

*1 package 4.5-ounce Easter Bark with Springtime Sprinkles, Sam’s Choice

*1 package 8-ounce M&M’s Honey Graham

*1 package 12-ounce Party Animals Frosted Cookies, Franz

*13- ounce Gummi Bunnies, a Pinch or Pound Bulk Foods

*1 package 3.35-ounce Easter Double Crispy Bunny Treats, Palmer

*1 package 3.75-ounce Peeps Gummies Chick & Bunny, Marshmallow Flavored

*1 package 10.1-ounce Hershey’s Egg Hunt Kisses, Hippity-Hoppity

*Carrot Foil Covered Chocolates, Palmers

*1 package 9.6-ounce Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs, snack size

*Easter Peanut M&M’s, I just used the yellow and green peanut M&M’s

*Large Chocolate Bunny

