Carrot Chocolate Coated Strawberry
*1 package 12 ounce Orange Melting Wafers, melted (save 15 wafers for drizzle)
*1 teaspoon Coconut Oil
*12 medium to large Strawberries, (room temperature) rinsed and paper towel dried (best to let dry 6 hours if possible or overnight) leave the strawberry leafy stems on (If possible pick strawberries with nice leafy stems.
*Double Boiler or Sauce pan filled with 2 inches of water or so… and add to the top a glass bowl that fits to the top of the sauce pan (make sure the glass bowl doesn’t touch the water). Add the wafers, coconut oil to glass bowl and on medium-low heat, melt wafers stirring as needed until they all almost melted. Then remove from the heat and stir the almost melted wafers until smooth and melted.
Start by holding on to the leafy part of the strawberry and dip the strawberries into orange melting chocolate, using a spoon to help with dipping and getting the top part of the red strawberry trying not to get it on the leafy part. Place the dipped strawberries on a Silpat baking mat preferably or parchment paper. Set aside to set. Then melt the last 15 wafers and drizzle on the strawberries, making carrot lines like carrot, drizzle side to side/back and forth down the dipped strawberry.
Dipped strawberries are best served the day needed.

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