Dark Chocolate Cupcakes
Cream together:
*3/4 cup Butter, at room temperature
*2/3 cup Granulated Sugar
*2 large Eggs
*2/3 cup Brown Sugar, packed
*1/2 teaspoon Sea Salt
*2 teaspoons Vanilla
*1 cup Buttermilk, I used powder Buttermilk reconstituted
*1/2 cup Sour Cream, at room temperature
*2 tablespoons Water
Sift the following and then add to the above wet ingredients:
*1 3/4 cup All-Purpose Flour
*1 cup Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate Powder
*1 1/2 teaspoons Baking Soda
Mix in a mixer until well combined. Add batter to muffin tins, with cupcake liners and fill them three fourths full. Bake the cupcakes in a pre-heated oven at 350*F. for 18-20 minutes. Cool completely before frosting. This recipe made 24 cupcakes, but it will depend on how full you fill each cupcake cup/liner with the batter.
Recipe adapted from Food Network
Butterfinger Frosting
Note: This frosting recipe is for frosting 12 campfire style cupcakes
Peel the chocolate off each Butterfinger with a potato peeler and set aside. Then Crush the orange part into almost a powder. (You can use the chocolate shavings for topping on the frosted cupcakes.)
*6 full size Butterfingers crushed or 12 snack sized crushed (You will need more Butterfingers if you wish to top cupcakes with half of a snack size Butterfinger for decoration)
Cream together the following in mixer:
*1/2 cup Butter, at room temperature
*1/2 cup Peanut Butter
*1 cup Powdered Sugar
*2-4 tablespoons Milk
*1/4 teaspoon Orange Gel Food Coloring or until desired color
Mix together well, add the crushed Butterfingers last.
Using a Pastry Bag with a large decorative Star tip for piping, pipe frosting onto cupcakes in a circle starting on the outside of the cupcakes moving to the center of the cupcake. Note: Refrigerate frosted cupcakes for about 20 minutes before adding orange sticks.
Add Orange Sticks to the mounted frosted cupcake forming a tee pee shape, I used 5. Allow to firm up (place them again in the fridge to just until they setup.) Then remove from fridge add the roasted marshmallows with the extra-long toothpick into the frosting positioning as desired. Serve within 1 hour after removing from fridge.
Special Supplies for Decorating:
*Orange Sticks
*2 to 3 Mini Marshmallows per stick, use a form of roasting marshmallows you are comfortable and safe using
*Extra-Long Tooth Picks
Frosting recipe adapted from Make Bake Celebrate
Also See Chuck Wagon Treat Tables and Wagon Wheel Party
