Sparkling White Grape Juice Shots

New Years, Christmas or Valentines this an amazing taste of yum!!!

Sparkling White Grape Juice Gelatin Shots

*2 cups Sparkling White Grape Juice, Welches etc… (Chilled)

*1.55 ounce package Royal Gelatin, Summer Berry Punch (Disney Frozen)

*Gold, Silver or White Sugar Sprinkles, added just before serving

In a sauce pan on medium heat, add 1 cup of sparkling white grape juice until it is almost ready to boil, remove from heat and add the package of gelatin, stir until contents is dissolved.  Then add 1 cup of the chilled sparkling white grape juice to the dissolved mixture, stir slightly and pour into individual shot glasses.  Chill until set and then add sprinkles just before serving.



Christmas Dip

Christmas Dip

Christmas Dip


*1 cup Plain Greek Yogurt

*1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract

*2 packets Splenda or 2 tablespoons Powdered Sugar

*4 tablespoons Butter, room temperature and whip until fluffy

*5 ounces Cream Cheese, room temperature

*1/4 cup finely chopped Graham Crackers

*1/4 to 1/2 cups Powdered Sugar, to taste

*Red, White and Green Decorate Candy Sprinkles

*1 box (10 ounce) Teddy Grahams

*1 pound strawberries, washed and dried

In a small mixing bowl mix together the yogurt, vanilla and Splenda/powdered sugar. Mix in the whipped butter and cream cheese.

Stir into the yogurt mixture graham crackers and powdered sugar. Add sprinkles to mixture if desired and top with sprinkles.

Serve with Teddy Grahams, strawberries and/or other fruits as desired

Christmas Dip Christmas Dip Christmas Dip Christmas Dip Christmas Dip Christmas Dip Christmas Dip Christmas Dip

Christmas Dip

