Creamy Pumpkin Pie Mini Mugs

Creamy Pumpkin Pie Mini Cups

Creamy Pumpkin Pie Mini Mugs

**Mini Mugs or shooter glasses


Crumble Crust

*1/2 cup Crushed Ginger Snaps

*1 cup Instant Oatmeal, chopped in blender

*3 tablespoons Brown Sugar

*1/2 cup Butter, room temperature

*pinch Cinnamon

*pinch Sea Salt

Stir together in a small: Ginger snaps, oatmeal, brown sugar, butter, cinnamon and a pinch of salt. This is the first Layer, press into the bottom of mini mugs and also for the fourth layer and save a small amount of the crust mixture for sprinkling on top of mini mugs.


Cream Cheese Layer and Topping

*4 ounces Greek Yogurt Cream Cheese, room temperature

*5 ounces White Chocolate Pudding Mix, around 1 and 1\2 small boxes

*4 ounces Cool Whip Topping, thawed

*2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract

In a small bowl (using a hand mixer), whip together cream cheese cool whip and vanilla until it thickens. This is the second layer and cream Cheese topping. Use a pastry bag with end cut to fit star tip and pipe into mini mugs.


Creamy Pumpkin Pie Layer

*8 ounces Pumpkin Purée

*2/3 cup Milk

*2/3 cup Half and Half

*5 ounces White Chocolate Pudding Mix, around 1 and 1\2 small boxes

*Pinch Sea Salt

*Pinch Cinnamon

*Smidge Nutmeg

*1 teaspoon Pumpkin Pie Spice

Add to mixing bowl the pumpkin layer ingredients and whisk together until combined. This is the third layer. Scoop creamy pumpkin mixture into a pastry bag and pipe 2 layers on top of the cream cheese layer. (You will have extra)
Fourth layer is to use the crumble crust mixture for this layer and crumble pieces into mini mugs on top of the creamy pumpkin layer.

Fifth Layer is the cream cheese topping, pipe on top of the crumble topping layer, piping in circles until desired height above the rim of the mini mugs and making a point in the middle when you end.

Sprinkle on top with crumble topping or sprinkle with nutmeg. Chill 1 hour and serve.

Serves 8 (5 ounce) mini mugs or shooters

Creamy Pumpkin Pie Mini Cups

Creamy Pumpkin Pie Mini Cups

Creamy Pumpkin Pie Mini Cups


Creamy Pumpkin Pie Mini Cups

Creamy Pumpkin Pie Mini Cups



Chocolate Swirl Caramel Apples

Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples

Chocolate Swirl Caramel Apples

*10 Granny Smith Apples or Apple of your choice

*2 pounds Caramel, melted, we like Peter’s Caramel it comes in a 5 pound loaf

*2 cups (more as needed) White Melting Wafers, Ghirardelli

*1 cup (more as needed) Dark Melting Wafers, Ghirardelli

*10 Wilton Treat Sticks or Bamboo Lollipop Sticks

*Apple Cider Vinegar and Paper Towels to clean apples

Rinse the apples and remove the wax from apples if the apples have a wax coating. Use a paper towel, dipped in apple cider vinegar and rub it on each individual apple to remove wax and rinse apples with water after cleaning and dry them completely before dipping apples in caramel.

Melt the caramel in a double boiler or in a 4 cup glass measuring cup place caramel and melt in the microwave in 30 second increments, being careful not to scorch the caramel.


If using caramel squares

Melt 1 bag (13.5 ounces)of caramels, plus 1 tablespoon water at a time in the microwave (in a small round glass bowl that apples will be able to be dip in easily) removing stirring occasionally with wooden spoon until melted. (Dip as many apples as you can with one bag of caramels before melting another bag of caramels for dipping.)


Dipping Apples

Push apple sticks into bottoms of apples ( Add a small amount of the white melted wafers to keep apples from spoiling and to help hold the stick in place.) and dip into melted caramel 3/4 of the way up the apple or more if desired. Place dipped apples on a Silpat covered 1/2 baking sheet and let until the caramel set.

Now melt white wafers in another small glass bowl in the microwave in 30 second increments, watching and stirring occasionally until white wafers are melted. Then In a separate glass bowl, repeat for the dark melting wafers.

Take the bowl with the melted white wafers and drizzle with a couple of tablespoons of the melted chocolate on top of the white chocolate making a zigzag pattern and dip apple one at a time and twist Apple slightly and pull apple straight up out of the dipping melted wafers and place on a Silpat covered baking sheet and refrigerate dipped apples until ready to serve.

Also See Caramel Apples
Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples


Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples

Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples

Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples

Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples

Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples

Chocolate Swril Caramel Apples

