Halloween Ice Cream Sandwiches

Halloween Ice Cream Sandwiches

Halloween Ice Cream Sandwiches

*Chocolate Scalloped Ice Cream Wafers, two for each sandwich

*Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

*Variety of Candy Sprinkles


Place (work with 6-8 wafers at a time) chocolate wafers right side down onto a cookie sheet, using softened Ice cream, scoop a large scoop of ice cream onto the center of each wafer and repeat with remaining wafers.

Then Place in the freezer to set about 10-20 minutes, remove and add the cookie top and sprinkle the edges of the exposed ice cream with sprinkles.  Freeze Ice cream sandwiches in individual sandwich bags or individual cellophane bags with twist tie, or serve immediately.

Halloween Ice Cream Sandwiches Halloween Ice Cream Sandwiches

Halloween Ice Cream Sandwiches Halloween Ice Cream Sandwiches Halloween Ice Cream Sandwiches Halloween Ice Cream Sandwiches

Spooky Eyeball Ice Cream

Also see Spooky Eyeball Ice Cream

Halloween Ice Cream Sandwiches





Peach Crisp

Peach Crisp

Peach Crisp



*3-4 cups fresh sliced Peaches, skins removed
Peach Crisp Filling


*1 cup Sugar

*4 tablespoon Cornstarch, more if peaches are very juicy

*1 cup Water

*2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract

*1/4 teaspoon Almond Extract

*2    1/2 teaspoons Cinnamon

*pinch Sea Salt

In a sauce pan on medium heat add the sugar, cornstarch and water. Cook and stir until mixture thickens and becomes translucent. Then add cinnamon, vanilla extract and almond extract. Remove from heat and add to the sliced peaches.


Crumble Crust and Crumble Topping

*2 cups Brown Sugar, lightly packed

*2 cups All-purpose Flour

*1 cup Quick Oats

*1 cup Old Fashion Oatmeal

*1 cup Butter, melted

Melt butter in a large measuring cup in the microwave for 30-40 seconds or until melted.

Whisk together flour, brown sugar and then mix in the oats/oatmeal and melted butter until combined crumble.
In a round baking dish sprayed with cooking spray, sprinkle on 1/2 the crumble crust mixture evenly spread into the bottom of the baking dish, add filling (make sure to only fill the dish 3/4 full) and then top with the remaining crumble topping.

* Note: You could use a ready-made pie crust for the bottom of the peach crisp. Roll out pre-made crust and place in round baking dish and bake pie crust 6-7 minutes in a 350*F. Note: Poke holes in the pie crust dough with fork before baking. Remove from oven and add peach filling and top with crumble topping and bake the same as the crumbled crust.

Bake in a 350*F. oven for 25-35 minutes or until the top of the crumble Browns slightly.


For Variation
: Use two ready-made pie crust cut out 14-16 circles with a round cookie cutter and press into cooking sprayed muffin tins. Poke using a fork holes in the bottom of each muffin crust cup. Bake them in a 350*F. oven 6-7 for minutes, now remove from oven and scoop in peach filling about 1/4 cup and sprinkle on the crumble topping. Bake another 20 minutes or until tops of the crumbles brown slightly.
Peach Crisp Peach Crisp

Peach Crisp Peach Crisp Peach Crisp

Peach Crisp

Peach Crisp

Peach Crisp

Peach Crisp

Peach Crisp Peach Crisp

Peach Lemonade

See Peach Lemonade

Peach Crisp

