Country Blackberry Plum Pie


We have an abundant amount of blackberries and plums (plums which were very small) this year and found this recipe that would use up some of our produce. I hope you enjoy this recipe.

This pie is also called Blackberry Plum Galette.

Country Blackberry Plum Pie

Pie filling:

Makes 2, 9 inch country pies

*8 small Fresh Ripe plums, pitted and sliced
*2 cups Fresh Blackberries
*2 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
*1 1/2 cups Brown Sugar
*3 teaspoon Cornstarch
*1 beaten Egg, for unbaked crust egg wash

**optional: Raw Sugar for Sprinkling over the crust egg wash

*Note: we used very small plums from

In bowl with strainer add the plums, blackberries and brown sugar and set aside for 20 minutes to release juices. Remove strainer with plums and blackberries and set aside. Pour juices from bowl adding the cornstarch in a sauce pan, on medium heat, just until it starts to thicken and add the plums, blackberries, and vanilla extract. Let cool and add to the center of rolled crusts.

Pie filling recipe adapted from The Baker Chick


Recipe makes two crusts.

*2 cups All-purpose Flour
*1/2 teaspoon Salt
*3/4 cup Crisco, I like Butter Flavored
*1/3 cup Milk plus 2 teaspoons Vinegar

Combine flour, salt and Crisco just until crumbly, don’t over mix. Add the milk and vinegar mixture and mix just until moist. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes. Divide the dough into two balls, refrigerate just until cold and roll out each ball of dough on individual pieces of wax paper. Place the rolled-out dough on Silpat or parchment paper on 1/2 baking sheet.

Add the filling to the center of the rolled out dough and bring up the sides making sure to connect or fold edges as needed.

Beat 1 egg and use as an egg wash and brush the edges of dough. You can sprinkle with raw sugar and bake at 375*F. for 44-55 minutes or until crust is a golden brown. Cool completely before removing from baking sheet or cutting.

Crust recipe slightly adapted from Real Food for Real People, Best Pie Recipe.

Serve with whipped cream topping or Vanilla Ice-cream and enjoy.







Enjoy Gardening and Baking!

Jessica and Lindy

Vanilla Ice cream


Vanilla Ice-Cream

Makes 1 quart.

Ingredients: Vanilla Ice-Cream Custard

*1 1/2 cups Whole Milk
*1 1/2 cups Heavy Cream
*3/4 cup Granulated Sugar
*5 inch piece Vanilla Bean, slit bean and remove seeds, save the pod too ( If you don’t have a vanilla bean substitute 2 teaspoons of vanilla and add just before Churning.
*4 egg yolks

**You will need Ice-Cream Machine/Canister Churner


*Prepare an Ice Bath: A large bowl with ice and place a medium size bowl inside large bowl with ice and position a strainer in the medium bowl.

*Heat the milk, cream, 1/2 cup of the sugar and vanilla seeds and empty vanilla pod in a medium saucepan over medium heat, stirring occasionally, heat just until steam appears and the milk is warm (about 175*) around 5 minutes.

*in a separate bowl whisk the egg yolks and remaining 1/4 cup sugar until mixture becomes a pale yellow color. Now, whisk this mixture into the above milk saucepan mixture on medium heat stirring constantly with wooden spoon until the mixture becomes less foamy and becomes slightly thicker (instant read thermometer 180-185* F.). Do not boil the eggs or they will curdle. Immediately remove the custard from the heat into the strainer in medium bowl ice bath and cool until room temperature. Cover the bowl of custard and refrigerate to 40* or lower on instant read thermometer about 3 hours or up to 24 hours.

*Remove the vanilla ice-cream custard from the fridge and discard the vanilla pod. (Add the 2 teaspoons of vanilla if you have chosen that option and stir well.)

*Pour the above refrigerated custard into your Ice-Cream Canister/Machine/Churner and follow your manufactures instructions.

*You can keep Ice Cream up to two days in the freeze in an air tight container for best tasting Vanilla Ice-Cream.

Recipe adapted from Cooks Illustrated




