We used these at our Father’s Day Dinner Party but you could make them for any occasion.
Golf Club Par-faits
*Champaign Glass, or glass of your choice
*Cantaloupe, I used a Melon Baller
*Watermelon, I used a Melon Baller
*Fresh Pineapple, cut into chunks
*Strawberries, sliced
*Sprite, or Lemon Soda of your choice, add just before serving
*Squirt Whipping Cream, Top just before serving
Layer the above in the order listed.
Golf Club Par-fait Tags
Print out the tags, cut into circles and I laminated mine with contact paper. Then with a round medium hole punch a hole in top of the tag (I used black and white Bakers Twine, or Twine/ribbon of your choice), slip the twine through the hole and tie the tag to the glass.
Note: Use a glass that has some sort of rim so tag will stay up on the glass.