Chick Deviled Eggs

My Eggs aren’t perfect in any way but they were fun to make.  I’ve tried lots of ways to get eggs to come out smooth every time but I think it can just be the eggs themselves.  I think thicker shells have a lot to do with the outcome.  Some say using  eggs that aren’t real fresh, cook this way or that but I just always bring my eggs to a boil and then put the lid on and take off the heat and let continue cooking for about 12 minutes for hard-boiled eggs for our altitude  in Northern Utah.  Then I drain off the water and add cold  water along with Ice, allow them to cool completely and peel them under cold water. If yours turn out perfect every time I would LOVE to know your trick.

These Chick Eggs are all over Pinterest.  I used sliced cut carrots and cut each slice into fourths and for the nose and black peppercorns  for the eyes.

Deviled Egg Mixture:

*12 Hard Boiled Eggs, peeled and cut each egg laying on its side, 1/3 of the egg for the head and 2/3 for the body and remove egg yolks into bowl

*1/2 cup Olive Oil Mayonnaise

*2/3 cup Plain Greek Yogurt

*2 tablespoon Sugar or  Honey or Sweetener of your choice

*1/2 teaspoon Smoked Paprika

*Sea Salt and Black Pepper (not freshly ground)

*1/4 teaspoon Vanilla Extract

Pipe or spoon the egg yolk  mixture into and pile onto the top/center of the egg white body.  Then add the head part of the cooked egg white and place it so the front has the egg yolk mixture showing for the face.  Add two pepper corns for the eyes and a triangle piece of carrot for the nose.



Sparkling White Grape Juice Shots

New Years, Christmas or Valentines this an amazing taste of yum!!!

Sparkling White Grape Juice Gelatin Shots

*2 cups Sparkling White Grape Juice, Welches etc… (Chilled)

*1.55 ounce package Royal Gelatin, Summer Berry Punch (Disney Frozen)

*Gold, Silver or White Sugar Sprinkles, added just before serving

In a sauce pan on medium heat, add 1 cup of sparkling white grape juice until it is almost ready to boil, remove from heat and add the package of gelatin, stir until contents is dissolved.  Then add 1 cup of the chilled sparkling white grape juice to the dissolved mixture, stir slightly and pour into individual shot glasses.  Chill until set and then add sprinkles just before serving.

