Crock Pot Sweet Pork for Salads & Sandwiches
*1 Frozen Pork Shoulder Roast, thaw in refrigerator
*1 12 ounce Glass Bottle IBC Root Beer
*1/2 can Frozen Lemonade Concentrate
*1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
*1/2 Cup Packed Brown Sugar
*4 tablespoons minced dried Onions
*1 tablespoon minced dried Garlic
*1/4 teaspoon Red Pepper Flakes, or to taste
*1/4 teaspoon Freshly Ground Black Pepper
*1 teaspoon Sea Salt
Layer the above in the Crock Pot in the order listed and cover with lid and cook on a High for 6 hours or overnight/8 hours on medium low or according to you crock pot instructions. Shred the pork and add to salads or sandwiches.
You can find a good recipe for rolls Here.