Mr. Stripey, yellow with red stripes
Pink Girl and Pink Lady (my favorite)
Sun Sugar, small yellow tomato
Bottom right: Acorn Squash
Bottom left: Rambo Pumpkin
Blue Lake Bush Beans/green beans
The White Powder you see is called Kill A Bug II to kill the grasshoppers!
Jade green beans
Edamame Beans, soybeans
Black Beans
Cinderella Pumpkin
Big Max Pumpkin
Fancy Crookneck Squash
Lumina Pumpkin
Spacemiser Zuchinni
Butterbush Squash Spaghetti Squash
Banana Squash
Red Belle Radish and Early Pie Pumpins
Romaine Lettuce
Dwarf Blue Curled Kale
Detroit Beets
Little Marvel Peas-Lincoln Peas-
Long White Bunching Onions
Great Lakes Lettuce
Correnta Spinach
Buttercrunch Lettuce
Pioneer Pickling Cucumbers
Spacemaster Cucumbers
Rumbo Pumpkin
Acorn Squash
Crimson Red Rhubarb
Strawberries-ever-bearing and early June bearing
Ambrosia Corn- Red Pontiac Potatoes-Yukon Gold Potatoes-Russet Potatoes
Peas: Early Frost, Little Marvel and Laxton Progress, Lincoln and Victory Freezer