Christmas Dinner Party Tablescape

Family parties are always so much fun! This is a sneak peek at our Christmas Dinner Party.  Hopefully this will inspire you with a little Christmas inspiration!

We used an 18″ x 18″ square napkin or bandanas extra.

*Cloth Napkins, folded in half and then fold in half again.  Now follow the pictures and steps below.

1-2. Take your now 9″x 9″ square with the open point ends, begin to bring up each layer leaving about an inch space to the top of the closed point of napkin.  Continue with each layer leaving the inch space between each point.

3.Now, turn over napkin.

4-5. Start with the corner of the flat side, fold over to the opposite side almost making a point at each end and repeat with the opposite side making a point on each end.

5-6. Flip over napkin with layer points pointing down.

7-8.  Begin tucking each pint bending upward the point is at the top of the tree and then with the remaining points tuck up and under to hide each tip.

8. Each tree will have an opening in the bottom.  Tuck into the opening your salad fork and dinner fork making the trunk.  Place tree next to your salad plate.  Repeat as needed.  Have fun!




Have A Merry Christmas!


Cozy Plaid Mugs

Dress up your mugs with easy cozy covers for any occasion by adding flannel ribbon.  Great for hot chocolate bar or drink station at a party/gathering.

Cozy Mugs

Supplies needed:

*Black Mugs or mugs of your choice

*Flannel Wired Plaid Ribbon, cut 1 inch larger than the circumference of your mug, fold under one of the ribbon ends 1/4 inch and pin ribbon securely around mug

* Large Safety Pins
