Fizzing Whiz Bees

Fizzing Whiz Bees

*Bee Candy Mold

*Chocolate Melting Wafers, like Ghirardelli

*War Heads Sour Popping Candy, found at Walmart or etc…


In a Wilton type melting pot or in a double boiler on medium-low, add the chocolate. Melt and stir occasionally.  Then spread a layer melted chocolate to your bee mold, making sure to leave enough open space to add the popping candy. Then refrigerate until set and add the sour popping candy. Add the last layer chocolate over the popping candy. Refrigerate again until set, about 10 minutes. Remove from molds and enjoy!

Also See our Harry Potter Party Ideas



Harry Potter Caramel Sorting Hats

Harry Potter Caramel Sorting Hats


*Cupcakes or Muffins

*1 Container of Frosting, piping bag and tip of choice

*Kraft Caramel Squares, these work best (Fresh Caramels work best), unwrap

*Pointed Fondant tool


Pipe frosting on cupcakes, then use 2 caramels to make each hat. Form one into a round disc (ruffle edges if desired.) and then the second caramel into a cone shape, then fold down the tip slightly and with the fondant tool press in the eyes and mouth as desired. Place on frosted cupcakes right before serving.

Also see our Harry Potter Party Ideas

