Hopefully you have gotten your seeds and you are ready to plant. I usually plant my cool crop seeds the first part of May. Then about May 20th I plant my warm season plants and seeds. See my Seed List for 2013 seeds
Planting Seed times andersonsseedandgarden
These labels are not any type of order with the plants.
Planting in raised beds is such a plus because you can have such nice soil and can cover them easily if it freezes. My raised beds are 4 feet wide and 8 feet long and are made from Redwood and secured with rebar.
When planting Tomatoes take out of container and rub the Myke on the roots. Sprinkle about one tablespoon of slow release all purpose granule fertilizer in the planting hole. Water with a Root Stimulator and follow the direction on bottle/ container.
Tip: I like to remove the bottom 2 leaves of the tomato plant and make planting hole deep enough to come up the stem of the Tomato to the last removed set of leaves. Also check the roots and make sure they are not root bound, if they are break them up a little bit.
Stand plant up in hole cover with soil.
Here is a picture of a tomato plant. tomatoplant
Plant Pepper plants the same as Tomatoes, except you don’t remove any leaves. Plant all roots and if plants are root bound break up roots a little bit. (Looking at the the pictures of my plant roots you will see that these plant roots all just fine). Plant peppers in prepared hole fill with soil to the top of plant roots system and then, cover top roots with a light layer of soil to make Peppers more stable in the soil, because the roots still need to breathe, so make sure it’s a light application of soil.
The PVC pipes you see in the picture I made so I can put Freeze Cloth/Sun Cloth on the PVC Structure to keep newly planted plants from getting sunburned and plants will still have space to grow.
Happy Gardening.