These are some cute Teacup Pots we found at Walmart. We put Red and Orange Gerbera Daisies with white Bacopa (Bahia White Night) and good potting soil.
You can find all these recipes on my website Garden Seeds and Honey Bees.
Seasoned Rubbed Rib Eye Steaks with Grilled Pineapple.
Pineapple Chunks
Romaine-Spinach-Strawberry and Bacon Salad Romainespinachstrawberryandbacon
2 cans frozen Hawaiian Fruit Punch with 3/4 liter Lime Soda.
Knot Dinner Rolls Knotdinnerrolls
Mexican Chicken Tortilla Soup Mexicanchickentortillasoup
Chicken-Sweet Potatoes Crock Pot Style chickensweetpotatoescrockpotstyle
Parfait Parfait
We made this dinner for my mom for Mother’s Day.
Lindy, Jacque and Jessica