Pruning Roses

These are the tools that I use to prune my roses:

*Good hand pruners
*Pruner sharpener
*Cleaning solution for cleaning Pruners
*Rose and Flower Care (I use a capful on each rose and watered them well.) follow the directions on label of the product you use. This fertilizer contains a systemic so roses are not edible.
*Good Gloves
*Glue for larger stems after pruning. This protects from insects like Rose Borers.

These are websites that helped me in caring for my Roses andersonsseedandgarden
kslgreenhouseshow weekendgardener


I’m just getting my roses pruned. It’s been so cold I haven’t wanted to go outside. My roses have been hard hit by Utah’s Weather.

These are some pictures of my not so pretty roses.


This is my winterized Pink Knock-Out Rose.


Pink Knock-Out Roses Pruned.


Red Knock-Out Rose before pruning.


Red Knock-Out Rose after pruning.


This is how my Red Knock-Out Rose looked before winter.

Enjoy your roses this year!



Spring Family Dinner (part 3)

Snicker Salad has been one of my family’s favorite salads for about 20 years, so we had to make it as part of our meal. I first got this recipe from my sister Heidi.


Snicker Salad

* 2 containers of frozen Whipped Topping
* 1 package Cream Cheese of your choice

Thaw Whipped Topping in the fridge and then mix with Cream Cheese, the less fat in the Cream Cheese the easier it is to mix.

I like to fill a glass bowl with water and add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice to it and then cut up apples in bite size pieces. Place cut apples into the water until all apples are cut into pieces.

* 3 Red Delicious Apples
* 3 Granny Smith Apples

* 4 Large Snickers cut into bite size pieces.

Drain Apples from Lemon water and add to Cream Cheese mixture. Then gently mix in Snickers.


In this picture I used only two Granny Smith Apples, because my family likes less tartness and Three Braeburn only because that’s what I had on hand. I usually use Red Delicious Apples.





