Easter/Spring Table Decor


This past week I have posted different Easter decorations. This is my completed table set up.





This was one of my better pictures of my table setting. Please ignore the little mishap in the picture.




I hope in some way this might help with your springtime decorating.


Seeds for 2013


What are you going to plant in your garden this year?

Here in Utah it is a cold day with a night of on and off snow. I’ve been planning out my garden and would like to share some of the seeds I’m planting.

*Bean, Blue Lake Bush
*Bean, Jade Bush
*Beat, Detroit Dark Red
*Carrot, Sweetness Hybrid
*Corn, Ambrosia (Bicolor)
*Cucumber, Pioneer Pickling
*Cucumber, Spacemaster
*Eggplant, Long Purple
*Herb, Basil
*Herb, Parsley Flat Italian
*Lettuce, Buttercrunch
*Lettuce, Lollo Rossa Astina
*Onion, Long White Bunching
*Pea, Lincoln
*Pea, Little Marvel
*Pea, Victory Freezer
*Pepper, Anaheim
*Pepper, California Wonder
*Pepper, Jalepeno
*Pumpkin, Atlantic Giant
*Pumpkin, Baby Boo
*Pumpkin, Lumina
*Pumpkin, Spirit Bush
*Spinach, Melody
*Squash, Butternut
*Squash, Fancycrookneck
*Squash, Spaghetti
*Squash, Yellow straight neck
*Tomato, Beefsteak
*Tomato, Best Boy
*Tomato, Homesweet F2
*Squash, Banana

Flowers: Zinnias

These are all I have so far of my seeds, some of these I will be planting inside to get them started and others will be planted directly outside. I will update on the progress later. I have planted these seeds before in my garden and they have all done very well.

You can find these seeds here andersonsseedandgarden

Happy planning your gardens!