Mini Shamrock Lime Shake
*1/2 gallon Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, softened
*Juice and Zest of 1 Lime
*Green Food Coloring, I used 7 drops but add as desired
*Cool Whip Topping or Whipped Cream Topping
*1 cup Dark Chocolate Melting Wafers, Ghirardelli
Melt Wafers in the Microwave 20 second increments, stirring between each increment, until almost melted. Then remove from microwave and stir chocolate until completely melted.
Chill 8 mini glasses in the freeze for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then remove 1 at a time and dip the tops of each glass in melted chocolate and use a spoon that comes more to a round point to add drips down the inside of each glass. Return to the freezer until ready to add the ice cream.
Then add some cookies to the bottom of each glass and pipe in ice cream mixture
Allow Ice cream to soften enough to stir. Then add lime juice and zest and stir in until incorporated.
Scoop ice cream mixture into a Ziploc gallon sized bag, cut of one of the corners and pipe into chilled prepared mini glasses.
Then add some cookies to the bottom of each glass and pipe in ice cream mixture
*Chocolate Mint Cookies, like Keebler grasshopper Cookies cut cookies into 1/4 pieces, use the crumbs for serving on top of cool whip topping etc…
