Shabby Chic Dinner Party
We had this Shabby Chic Dinner for our Valentines Dinner but you could easily use the same idea for a Shabby Chic Easter Dinner.
There are links below some the pictures for the recipes.
You can see how to make the Shabby Chic Jars Here.
Wintergreen Lifesavers
Pre-made Pink Marshmallow Balls
We used pre-made Country Time Strawberry Lemonade and Pink Strawberry Banana Sobes for our drinks.
These were our dinner party favors, chocolate brownie heart and Reese’s Heart in a cellophane heart bag with pink paper strips crinkled.
See Baked Italian Parmesan Chicken
We used frozen Corn that we put up last summer from our garden and seasoned to taste.
You can find the Strawberry & Kiwi Salad-White Chocolate Salad Here.
Have a great day!