These are the colors we used for our helmets but you can do any color for the colors of your favorite team or teams.
*12 ounce bag Black Candy Melts, like Wilton
*12 ounce bag Red Candy Melts, like Wilton
*12 ounce bag White Candy Melts, like Wilton
*Coconut Oil, like Pure LouAna Coconut oil
*Silicon Melting drip Bottles, optional see Amazon for melting bottle
*Lollipop Sticks, at Walmart or Amazon
Melt 1/3 of the bag of candy melts at a time with dab of coconut oil in a microwave safe cup or silicon drip bottle. Start with the white or whatever color you decide to use for the face mask. Melt in 30 second increments until melted, stirring as needed. Repeat for each color. Melt more wafers depending on how many helmets you need.
Use a Piping bags with small hole or add a round holed piping tip or use silicon drip bottles for each color. Fill bag or bottle with desired melted color of candy melts and fill the face mask part first and refrigerate just until set remove and fill the helmet part/parts with desired color/colors, then add lollipop stick and refrigerate again just until set. Then remove carefully from the molds repeat as needed.
*Helmets candy mold, Amazon Helmet Mold or similar

Also See Football Bash

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