Fairy Garden
Suggested Supplies:
Note: We used Frisbees for the fairy garden base. We made 5. We use the Alum Play Dough (Recipe Below) in the underside of each Frisbee to attach all the fairy garden items. Most of the below items are from the Dollar Tree/Store
*Wood Pieces, sticks and etc…
*Glass Rocks, River Rocks, Blue Glass Rock Pieces, found at the dollar store
*Faux Flowers
*Fairy Garden Figurines and accessories, found at the dollar store and Amazon
*Felt Leaves
*Faux Gems
*Wood Butterflies
*White Wood Fence, found at Hobby Lobby
Alum Play Dough
*2 cups Flour
*2 tablespoons Alum
*2 Tablespoons Plain Salt
*2 tablespoons Cooking Oil
*1 cup Boiling Water, plus 2 tablespoons
In a saucepan bring water to a boil. set aside.
In a medium glass bowl add the flour, Alum, salt and oil, mix together. Then add hot water and stir until it forms a ball and allow to cool. Divide into 6 dough balls.
Miscellaneous Ideas:
*Fairy Wings we found at the dollar store and on Amazon
*We bought the supplies for the garden fairy crowns at Jo Anns
*Butterfly Stickers and Sticker Gems, Dollar Store

Also See Fairy Garden Butterfly Cake

Also See Fairy Garden Party

Jessica and Lindy
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