Pioneer Chocolate Candy Bark

Pioneer Chocolate Candy Bark * Bark Toppings: * These are toppings I used but you could use any of the following: Cookies or candy or nuts or sprinkle toppings, pretzels and etc… * *9.6 ounce bag Caramel M&M’s, we used only the Yellow and Brown *1/4 cup White Chocolate Chips *10.8 ounce bag M&M’s Minis […]

Ganache Chocolate Bark Shards Cupcakes

Ganache Chocolate Bark Shards Cupcakes * This recipe is more of a brownie cake or cupcake. * Makes 12-18 cupcakes or 1 (8 or 9 inch round cake) you may have extra batter, make the extra batter into cupcakes. * You will need: Cupcake Liners and parchment paper. This recipe is sticky and gooey. Yum! […]