Dirty Coke

Here is another drink from our Soda Bar Party.  These sodas are a fun way to celebrate with family and friends.

See below links for more soda combinations.

Dirty Coke or Dirty Diet Coke


*Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice or Lime Syrup

*Lite Coconut Milk or Cream

As I’ve said before these drinks are simple and are to your taste but I like to use a 8-12 ounce glass, add the coke and start with about a teaspoon of lime juice or syrup and a splash of light coconut milk and add more until I get the desired taste that I like.


Top left:  Dirty Coke, diet if desired

Middle:  Italian Sodas

Top right:  The Grunge

Bottom left:    Black Cow

Bottom right:  Southern Bell

Also see  Dirty Dr Pepper not shown



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