Monster Sloppy Joes

Another recipe from this year’s Halloween Party.
Monster Joes


*3 pounds Lean Ground Beef, cooked (165*F.) and drained

*1 tablespoon Dried Minced Onions

*1/2 tablespoon Dried Minced Garlic

*1/4-1/2 teaspoon Red Pepper Flakes

*Salt and Pepper, to taste

*2    16 ounce cans Manwich or favorite Sloppy Joe Sauce

*8 large Sesame Seed Hamburger Buns

*Cheddar Cheese Slices, optional

*Green Olives


In a cast iron skillet cook the ground beef on medium heat with the onions, garlic and red pepper flakes until fully cooked (165*F).

Add the 2 cans of Sauce. Heat through and serve on Sesame Seed Hamburger buns with two green olives attached to the top bun with toothpicks making your Monster Joes…

Serves 8 large, meaty Monster Joes





Ghost Shakes

Ghost Milkshakes

*1/2 gallon Vanilla Bean Ice-cream, slightly softened

*8 ounce container Cool Whip, extra creamy, thawed in fridge

*Candy Eyes

*Small (2.5 ounce) glasses

*Disposable Pastry bag, with about 1/2 clipped of the tip of the sack

*Wax Paper

*Baking sheet

*Note: I made 11 ghosts and had ice-cream and cool whip leftover.

Scoop the Ice-cream to the top of the glasses and place in them in the freezer.

Pipe ghosts in a circle (on wax paper covered baking sheet) about the same size as the top of the glasses.


When piping each ghost pipe in a continuous layer of circles,  making the circles smaller as you layer to the top of the ghost making a peak on top.


Place piped ghost in the freezer letting them set enough to add candy eyes. Then place back in the freezer until set. Place the ghosts on the top of filled frozen ice-cream glasses and keep frozen until serving.


