Macadamia Pineapple Coconut Cookies June 30, 2022June 30, 2022 ~ lindy Macadamia Pineapple Coconut CookiesPreheat oven 400*F. Then Lower oven temperature and Bake cookies 375*F. for 12 to 13 minutes Makes 2 and 1/2 dozen cake like cookies using 1 tablespoon cookie scoopIngredients:*1 and 1/4 cups Sugar*1/2 cup Planted Based Olive Oil Butter, like Country Crock*1/2 cup Butter Flavored Shortening *2 Eggs*1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract*1 teaspoon Lemon Extract*1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt*2 and 3/4 cups of All-purpose Flour*1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda*3/4 cup crushed canned Pineapple, drained *1 cup Macadamia Nuts, chopped as desired*1/2 to 1 cup White Vanilla Chocolate Chips, like Guittard, optionalInstructions:Cream together in bowl of a stand mixer, on medium-low speed; Add butter, shortening and sugar. When light yellow in color add the eggs one at a time, mixing until incorporated. Add vanilla, lemon and salt.Sift together the flour and baking soda. Add 1/2 a cup at a time to the creamed mixture, just until combined. Stir in pineapple, nuts and white vanilla chips. Note: Make sure all ingredients are fully incorporated.Refrigerate dough for 30 minutes. Then using 1 tablespoon cookie scoop, scoop cookies onto a Silpat covered 1/2 baking sheet. Bake as directed above.Note: Keep dough chilling in fridge while each batch of cookies bake. Enjoy!Lindy Please follow and like us: More from my sitePumpkin Chocolate Chip BreadLove Green SaladAir Fryer Salmon BitesJack Frost Winter MocktailCinco de Mayo Spicy PeanutsSpider Pull-Apart Pumpkin Bread Like this:Like Loading...