Monster Green Eyeball Drink

Monster Green Eyeball Drink

*1 bottle 32 ounce Kiwi Strawberry Or Green Apple Gatorade, chilled

*1 can 46 ounce Pineapple Juice, chilled 

*2 liters Lemon Lime Soda, chilled

*3 drops green food coloring, optional

*Dry Ice, optional

**Eyeball Ice-cubes (purchased from Wal mart), optional 

***Eyeball on container is a Halloween window stick found at Dollar Tree

Pour the Gatorade, pineapple juice, food coloring (if using) and stir together in serving container of your choice.  Add lemon lime soda just before serving.  Add the ice-cube eyeballs and add dry ice for special effects.  Serve and enjoy!

Also see Halloween Eyeball Party Food



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