Brown Sugar Cream Cheese Frosting


Brown Sugar Cream Cheese

*1/2 cup whipping Cream or Milk
*1\2 cup Milk
*5 tablespoons All-purpose Flour
*1 1/2 cups Brown Sugar
*1 cup Butter, room temperature
*1 tablespoon Vanilla
*1 teaspoon Salt, if using unsalted butter

Heat in a sauce pan, on medium heat the flour and Whipping cream/Milk for 5-10 minutes or until thickens, it will thicken quickly. Let cool.

In the mixer combine the remaining ingredients: brown sugar, butter, vanilla and mix in a mixer for 5-10 minutes until creamy texture and no longer grainy and then add the flour and milk mixture and Whip until light and fluffy.

Add frosting to a pastry bag and decorative piping tip. Pipe the frosting onto cookies.

Decorate with whole Almonds bee body and sliced Almonds for bee wings using frosting as glue.

Recipe adapted from Cook like your Grandmother



See Bee Gingerbread Cookies




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