Eye Ball Chicken Pot Pie
**We served these 8 pies at our Halloween party in the (8 individual pie tins)
*Pam Cooking Spray or similar
*2 boxes of Pillsbury pre-made refrigerated Pie Crust for tops
*8 Black Olives, Eyeball
Note: These pies have no bottom crust
*1 Egg, with teaspoon water whipped with fork until combined, brush on top of pies before baking
Use pie dish to measure the size and cut about 1 inch bigger than your skillet or pie dish size. Then fill each pie tin with chicken pot pie filling.
Then place your cut pie crust dough on top of your chicken pot pie filling in pie dish and tuck or press the edges around the top of the pie dish
Use dough scraps to make the eyelid, put scraps together and roll out dough and use a round cookie cutter or I used the lid of the Pam spray can and then cut the circle in half. Place the half circle on top of the Olive in the middle of the prepared unbaked chicken pot pie top crust.
Cut 3 slits in the center of the crust around the back of the eye to vent the steam while baking. Then brush with the egg wash. Repeat for each chicken pot pie.
Chicken Pot Pie Filling (You will have extra filling.)
*1 Cooked Purchased Rotisserie Chicken, skin removed, meat cubed (Note: I like to buy the chicken the day before making, refrigerate and then it is easier to cut and the juices will jell and then I/you can add to the chicken broth mixture below.
*3/4 cup Butter
*2 cups All-purpose Flour
*1/4 cup dried Flaked Onions
*2 teaspoons Dried Thyme Leaves
*2 teaspoons Kosher Salt
*2 teaspoons freshly ground Black Pepper
*5-6 cups Chicken Broth, low sodium (also I used the juices from the chicken)
*1 can 13.66 ounce Coconut Milk
*1 can 12 ounce Evaporated milk
*2 packages 12 ounce frozen Peas and Carrots
*6 to 8 large Potatoes, russets or red (Boiled, skins removed and cooked but still slightly firm) diced
In a stock pot, add the butter and melt on medium-low heat. Add the dried onions, thyme, salt and pepper. Add the flour to the butter mixture in quarters, alternating with the 2 cans of milk and then the chicken broth, adding chicken broth until the desired thickness.
Add to the filling base mixture the peas and carrots, potatoes. Stir until combined.
Then add to your pie dishes. Use cooking spray for pie dishes if desired to prevent sticking. Then make into individual pies as described above.
Bake in the oven at 425*F for 35 to 40 minutes or until crust is golden brown. Time will vary if using different sized baking dishes.
You could also freeze these pies after making them But Do Not Bake Pies until you bring them back out of the freezer, use aluminum pie dishes of glass dishes.
When chicken filling has cooled, double wrap the pre-made pies once with plastic wrap and then with foil. Freeze.
Cooking Frozen Pies
Preheat oven 425*F.
Remove foil and plastic wrap, then replace the foil and bake for 25 minutes at 425*F.
Then reduce the heat and bake at 350*F. For about 60 minutes. Then remove the foil and bake another 5 to 10 minutes or until the crust is golden brown. Note: Baking Time will very if using a different sized baking pie dish.
Also see Wicked Halloween Ideas

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