Jet Black Hazelnut Cocoa

Jet Black Hazelnut Cocoa

*Recipe serves approximately 18 cups Hot Chocolate, water added (Depending how much mix you use in each cup.)

**Makes about 6 cups of the Cocoa Mix

Cocoa Mix

*5 cups Instant Non-Fat Dry Milk, crushed or blended until smooth

*1 cup unsweetened Jet Black Cocoa or Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa or a good Dutch Chocolate or Cocoa of your choice

*1 cup Powdered Hazelnut Non-Dairy Creamer, or flavor desired

*3-3 1/2 cups Confectioners’ Sugar, depending on your taste for sweetness

*pinch of Sea Salt

Note: You can also use 2 tablespoons of liquid hazelnut creamer to emphases the hazelnut flavor and a creamer texture, add to each individual cup when serving.


***We used Pepperidge Farm’s Pirouette Chocolate Hazelnut Pastry like Rolled Wafer with creamy filling, for dipping.


*Reddi Wip or Non Dairy Almond Whipped Cream or you choice of Whipped Cream topping

*Chopped Hazelnuts

*Crushed Chocolate Wafer Cookies, like Oreo’s with cream filling removed


In a large bowl combine the above dry Ingredients and mix together well and store in an air-tight container. (How long to store the mix will depend on the expiration dates on dry milk and creamer that you use.)

We used 1/3 cup of the Cocoa mix per mug/cup mixed with 3/4 cup hot water. Repeat for each serving.

Note: We used Jet Black Cocoa and mixed ingredients in a plastic gallon sized Ziploc bag, with name of the mix, expiration date and to add 1/3 cup of mix to a cup of hot water.

See Gingerbread Man Sugar Cookie Faces

See Gingerbread Pancakes



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